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DFI Session 2 Digital Tools that Make Professional Life Easier
DFI Day 2 began with delving into the LEARN aspect of the Manaiakalani LEARN, CREATE, SHARE kaupapa & pedagogy. Our challenge is to recognize effective teaching practice, amplify the good practice & turbocharge it!! As a school, we can unpack what LEARN means for us in our context in relation to the needs of our tamariki & the desires of our school whanau. This is something that our leadership team are currently working on based on community voice. Also, through the learning outcome data we get from Wolf Fisher (Auckland University), we have the opportunity to look closely at our top-performing teachers. This will provide an opportunity to inquire into what these teachers are doing better - particularly if they have a trifecta of accelerated learning in reading, writing and maths :)

Back to DFI stuff...

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?

Tidying up my chrome toolbar has been really handy. I've either omitted or shortened titles & I also used the pin tool on my most frequently used tabs. My next steps will be 'Marie Kondoing' my google drive. I've begun creating folders but will need to take the time to move docs into these.

The afternoon session involved working together in groups using Google Hangouts to have a learning conversation about children's Summer Learning Journey blogs. This involved doing a screen recording by one of the members during the hangout video conference. We took it in turns to remotely present our own screens & to discuss the learning purpose & feedback. Raquel from Ormand, who was our recorder, had a macbook. She recorded our google hangout on QuickTime player. This is only on macs. A quick google search showed that Windows 10 has a similar feature called game function. I had to push the Windows button with g to open up the screen record. This automatically saves to the video folder on the computer. Utilizing hangouts with screen & audio recording would be very useful for distance meetings. This makes things rewindable. The recording can be uploaded to google drive & shared with the meeting participants.

So, in summary, today's learning has once again delivered some wee tricks to speed up work & to improve collaboration.


  1. I like how you are thinking about how to apply the information coming from Woolf Fisher, listening to our community voice and making the learning reflect the community needs and what they have identified as being of primary importance.
    I think that anything that simplifies the use of the technologies or the applications is a bonus! Utilising these from the get-go will embed the use of them.
    Which short-cuts do you think you will be using first Perky? Which ones do you think need to be shared with the staff? Are there any that you think "Meh-not too sure about that one?"

  2. Kia ora Perky,
    A trifeta - wouldn't that be great!
    Nice to see the improvements you can make in your workflow. Hopefully being more efficient will give you a bit more time! Look forward to hearing more of your journey.


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